A website where bicycle theft victims can tell their stories

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A lot of people are saying that Lance Armstrong's alert to the 145,00 members of his Twitterati helped in the quick recovery of his time trial bicycle.

For the rest of us who don't have that clout, there's a website where we can share our stories. It's called “Someone Stole My Bike.”

The website features video stories of bike theft victims, some who lost their bikes for good and others, like Kristy (shown here), who chased down the thief, grabbed him by the backpack and dragged him to the ground:

“This is New York City. There's no way you can leave your bike unlocked, even for a second.”

Susie Cooley emailed me about the website and explained its purpose:

“If riding a bike is a universal pastime, then having it stolen is a universal nuisance, and it is for this reason that we have created SOMEONESTOLEMYBIKE.COM; to give individuals a cathartic forum to share their own personal stories and express their distinct feelings and philosophies on the aggravating subject of bike theft.”

The website takes submissions in any form — video, animation, song, word document, drawing or collage. There are about 20 videos posted online right now, and more will be coming. Check here for submission details.

I guess I'm one of the lucky ones; I haven't had a bike stolen… yet. I'll be checking back to hear more of these stories.

If you have had a bicycle stolen, you can also report it at the StolenBicycleRegistry, which now includes Canada.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2009/02/19/a-website-where-bicycle-theft-victims-can-tell-their-stories/

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