6 states, including Washington, seeking 3-foot clearance for bicyclists

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The legislatures in six states — Colorado, Iowa, Maryland, Rhode Island, Texas and Washington — are considering bills in 2009 that require motorists leave at least 3 feet of clearance when passing a person riding a bicycle.

Twelve states presently require the 3-foot margin. They are Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, and Wisconsin. (Connecticut and New Hampshire enacted laws last year; South Carolina enacted “safe operating distance”.)

A lawmaker, Jamie Pedersen, who represents Seattle submitted the bill in Washington state, entitled House Bill 1491. Pedersen commutes to work by bicycle when he's not in the state capitol in Olympia.


In a recent hearing, a spokesman for the Teamsters testified that because 3 feet of passage is already recommended in the Washington State Driver's Manual, there's no need to make it a law. According to the Seattle Times:

“He added that the bill would shift the safety responsibility to the motorist. Instead, he contended, there should be equal responsibility between parties involved.”

Not taking a hard line approach, Brian Faller of the Bicycle Alliance of Washington called the law “more of an educational tool, and less of an enforcement tool.” According to the BAW website:

“Both the Washington State Patrol and the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs support the bill as a driver education tool.”

One of the criticisms of the 3-foot law has been the difficulty with enforcement; many just can't imagine police hanging around waiting for someone to pass too closely to a bicyclist. Knowing that there is a law should help promote safety for cyclists.

Passing committee

House Transportation Chairwoman Judy Clibborn, D-Mercer Island, expects to pass the bill out of committee. Track the progress of  House Bill 1491.

Under consideration

Colorado (Update: passed and signed into law)

Iowa (actually a bill requiring 5 feet of clearance; Update March 24, 2009 — “Bike safety bill likely dead this year, lawmaker“)


Rhode Island Watered-down version passed in House; no action expected in Senate

Texas (Update: Legislature approves but Gov. Perry vetoes)

Washington (Approved by House, stuck in Senate committee)

See also Safe Route Connection.org, 3feet2pass.com and “12 states require 3-foot clearance for bicycles (BikingBis)”.

Update: April 10, 2009 — New Jersey legislator submits 3-foot passing provision


You can find cool bicycling jerseys and T-shirts with the clear message “3 Feet Please” stenciled across the back at 3feetplease.com.

This is a difficult trend to track as there's no central clearinghouse that I've found for information. Please leave a comment below if you pick up any additional or conflicting information.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2009/02/17/6-states-including-washington-seeking-3-foot-clearance-for-bicyclists/

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