Crunch time to fund bicycle projects with stimulus money

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Now is when the rubber meets the road to get funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects in the Obama economic stimulus plan.

Although the Senate passed a version of the package earlier Tuesday, it doesn't include the same funding for Transportation Enhancements (such as bicycle facilities) as is included in the House version.

Both the League of American Bicyclists and the Rails to Trails Conservancy are issuing action alerts to urge members to contact their congressmen to ensure those “enhancements” make it into the conference bill that will be hashed out in upcoming meetings.


According to the “action alert” sent out by LAB:

“The House Bill contains approximately $1.35 billion for Transportation Enhancements of which 50-60% is traditionally spent on bicycle and pedestrian projects. The Senate Bill does not explicitly include Transportation Enhancements, so it's unclear whether this funding will in the final bill.

“This week there will be a conference committee where several members of the House and several members of the Senate will work together to reconcile the two  bills. Conferees need to hear that Transportation Enhancements are important to stimulating the economy, creating green jobs, and moving us toward a sustainable future.

“Please call your Senators and Representative and urge them to tell the conferees to support Transportation Enhancements in the Economic Recovery Bill.”

Rails to Trails

Those sentiments were echoed by Rails to Trails Conservancy. An email sent out by vice president of policy Kevin Mills said:

“We must convince the Senate to protect TE in conference. …

“This is exciting, because we know we can make an impact: After more than 15,000 of us signed Rails-to-Trails Conservancy's (RTC) petition to Congress and the president to explicitly fund active transportation in the recovery package, the House allocated $1.35
billion for TE.”

Miller points out that more trails means that more people will hike and bike and fewer will drive cars.

“This translates into less congestion, healthier people, a healthier planet, more money available to our communities, and much, much more.”

Follow these links to League of American Bicyclists or Rails to Trails Conservancy to see how to contact your senator and representative.

[Update: What America Bikes Coalition says in support of transportation funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects.]

Photo above: Trestle on Discovery Trail on Olympic Peninsula, 2006

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