Bicycling to school through 6 states and a Canadian province

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Last fall, Nate Bartlett rode his bicycle to his new school — 1,100 miles away.

The 19-year-old from western Massachusetts was due to begin classes at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, as an incoming freshman. He thought it might be fun to turn his last few days before college into a bike tour.

His father, Sam, readily agreed to ride along. The pair gave themselves two weeks to make the trip.

In an article about this trip, Sam Bartlett told the North by Northwestern student newspaper:

“I also realized it was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up, to spend two weeks with Nate doing something we both love.”

Nate is no stranger to bicycling. He bicycled 14 miles to his high school and regularly did longer bicycle rides, including a double century over two days.

Nate and his father carried their own clothing and camping gear for the trip; Nate used a trailer.

Nate also wrote a blog, Biking to Northwestern, during the cyclo-tour that would be interesting for anyone who plans to ride the Erie Canalway trails through New York and visit the Niagara Falls. The blog also tells so good routes through Ontario, and names some towns in Michigan they passed through.

In all, the pair bicycled in Massachusetts, Vermont, New York, Ontario, Michigan, Minnesota and Illinois.

As with most stories you hear from the road, Nate and Sam were treated well with no hassles. People suggested routes to take and places to eat and camp. They were invited to spend the night camping on private property and took it upon themselves to pitch their tent behind a church one night.

Nate's bicycle tour sounds like a great way to start the adventure of his college years. Let's hope he always remembers the joy of bicycling.

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