Bicycle parking and routes to Obama inauguration on Tuesday

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Are you fired up? Are you ready to go? If so, then you certainly have to give props to the Washington Area Bicyclist Association for rising to the occasion of the Obama Presidential Inauguration on Tuesday.

As some 2 million people are expected to attend the event on at the National Mall on Tuesday, the best way to get into and out of the city will be by walking or bicycling

WABA is providing bicycle valet parking to inauguration visitors on Tuesday and directions on the best way to get around town. Check out the WABA's America Bikes to the Inauguration page.

WABA's two, free valet bicycle parking areas will be open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. at:

–16th St. NW between K Street and Eye Street in the north

— Jefferson Memorial Parking lot in the south.


Both locations are about as close as you can get on a bicycle to the restricted area. Much of the National Mall area and beyond has been closed to all vehicles, including bicycles. WABA has provided a map locating the bike valet lots, best routes to them, and the restricted area.

Forecast is for highs of 31 and low of 20 on Tuesday; with a chance of snow showers.

In the event of heavy rain or snow, the valet parking lots will be open, but not attended. Bicyclists will be able to use the racks but will be responsible for locking up their bicycles. Check the WABA website in the morning.

More information

Bikes will not be allowed on Metrorail but will be allowed on the front of Metro buses.

Bicyclists can park their rides outside the restricted area; just be warned to lock your bikes at bike theft is a huge problem in DC.

All bridges will be open to bicycles, and Memorial Bridge will be open to bicycles and pedestrians only.

The official DC Inauguration Day Website has other information, such as warnings about standing outside in the cold and all transportation issues.

The free valet parking is provided by America Bikes, Dero Racks, District Department of Transportation, and WABA members.

Let's hope WABA's efforts help to encourage people that bicycles are a useful way to get around their cities.

New York City

Bicyclists in New York will celebrate Obama's inauguration with a bike parade of their own. Picked up these details from Brooklyn by Bike blog:

Inauguration Bike Parade
Tuesday, January 20th at 2:00 pm
Meet under the arch in Washington Square Park
Rain or snow cancels the ride.

Can’t be in D.C. for the big event on Tuesday? Hop on your own seat of power and join the fun in NYC with the Time’s Up! Inauguration Bike Parade. We’ll be playing presidential music on the sound bike as we cycle through the streets and cheer the peaceful transition of power. Nothing says Democracy like riding your bike.

Biking for Obama

Those who have been following the adventures of Ryan Bowen will know that he completed his cross-country bicycle ride into DC with some other cyclists on Sunday.

According to a press release from Oregon's bicycling Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Ryan also scored a couple of tickets to the inauguration.

Blumenauer met with Ryan on Sunday and gave him an inauguration ticket from his office and that of Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Calif. Via

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