“Biking for Obama” tour arrives in DC area in time for inauguration

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Update: See directions for bicycle parking and bike routes to the Obama inauguration on Tuesday

Ryan Bowen has all but completed his 4,000-mile cross-country bicycle trip to commemorate Tuesday's historic inauguration of Barack Obama.

His blog, Biking for Obama, reports the 22-year-old from Los Angeles arrived in Fairfax, Virginia, this afternoon, and on Saturday he's due in Arlington. Then it's time to get ready to party.

The final stage meet-up and celebration is scheduled to leave about noon on Sunday from the Reagan National Airport for a bike tour around the mall and final destination at an as-yet undisclosed final party location.


The recent Occidental College grad has had other cyclists join him for parts of his cross-country bicycle trip; he's hoping for a good crowd on the final leg into Washington DC. Also there's been frequent media coverage of his bike trip, so look for his arrival on the evening news.

Bowen set off from Los Angeles on Dec. 2 and has been cycling ever since to meet his deadline. He rode the Souther Tier route from LA to St. Augustine, Florida, then headed north toward DC.

Lately, he's been suffering through the sub-freezing cold that's swept across most of the nation.

Check the Biking for Obama blog (see Arrival Map and Flyer) for details about the Sunday finish celebration, including a phone number and other information about the meet-up at Reagan National Airport. You can read about his thoughts and experiences along the route, too.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2009/01/16/biking-for-obama-tour-arrives-in-dc-area-in-time-for-inauguration/

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