Trek launches contest for women who ride bicycles

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Attention female bicycle riders: Trek is sponsoring a contest for you. It's not about speed — it's about life experiences and the bicycle.

The 2009 Women Who Ride Contest seeks to find five women to respresent female Trek bicycle riders and to blog about their lives as women, cyclists and members of the larger bicycling community.

The contest runs until Jan. 24. Entrants are asked to write a 500-word essay describing why they ride and the imporance a bicycle plays in their lives. Trek will choose five, one each from the categories mountain, road, triathlon, bike path, and urban.

In return for their time and effort, the women will each receive a Trek Women's Specific Design bicycle that matches their style of riding and cycling gear. They'll also get fitness, training and maintenance tips from the Trek staff.

In a press release issued by Trek, one of the original Women Who Ride bloggers, Susan Mele, is quoted:

“The Women Who Ride program has helped me combine my talents as a cyclist, mother, performer and writer, and showed me that I can make a difference just by being me.

“It's helped me set goals for myself and realize my potential as a woman and an athlete. It has allowed me to become a female bike advocate and touch and inspire the lives of women in a way I never thought I could.”

In addition to Mele, the other Women Who Ride are Marie Westrope, Stephanie Brodegard, Laura MacLean, and Jennifer Polo.

How to enter

I checked out their bios at Women Who Ride. They are mothers, cancer survivors and retirees. I didn't spot an Olympic hopeful among them.

Who couldn't use a new bike? Go here to find out more about the Women Who Ride contest. You'll need to be able to blog, talk about personal experiences, respond to questions, and be available from April 30, 2009, until May 1, 2010.

See also: Bicycling clinic in Cascades is for women only

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