Update: Charges in YouTube's NY cop vs. CM cyclist knockdown

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The New York City policeman who body-checked the bicyclist in this YouTube video has been charged with filing false statements, assault and harassment charges.

The cop, Patrick Pogan, pleaded not guilty earlier today to all charges.

The original charges Pogan filed against the 29-year-old who he body slammed during a July 25 Critical Mass bike ride in New York City were dropped several months ago.

The charges of falsifying business records and filing a false instrument stem from the police report he filed in which he claimed the cyclist veered into him, knocking him down and cutting his forearms.

Apparently Pogan hadn't realized that the confrontation had been posted on YouTube, eventually to be seen by more than 1.6 million viewers.

Those false-report charges are a felony and are punishable by 16 months to 4 years in prison.

The of third-degree assault and second-degree harassment charges are misdemeanors.

Meanwhile, the policeman has turned in his gun and badge and been assigned to desk duty.

According to YouTube, the video was shot by an anonymous tourist and presented with the help of Time's Up!, Glass Bead Collective and I-Witness Video.

More at AP and the Gothamist

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/12/16/update-charges-in-youtubes-ny-cop-vs-cm-cyclist-knockdown/

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