Disaster relief in Iowa delays trail completion

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The Raccoon River Valley Trail in west central Iowa has been dealt a setback in its bid to becoming the nation's longest looping trail.

Already 56 miles long, another 33 miles of trail-building was in line for a state grant until it was diverted to help pay for disaster relief from Iowa flooding earlier this year.

The trail partly uses the old “Milwaukee Road” railroad right-of-way (same at the John Wayne Pioneer bicycle trail in Washington state). When complete, it will be 89 miles long, including the 72-mile loop.

Iowans are very familiar with the famous line from the movie “Field of Dreams”:  “Build it and they will come.” Local bicycling advocates say the new trail will be a boon to bicycle tourism in the region.

Bicycle tourism

Project leader Mike Wallace told the Des Moines Register:

“You can start at any community on any Saturday and go halfway, stay all night, and finish it on Sunday. You won't be able to find that opportunity anywhere else.”

The proprietress of Just Ethel's Homestyle Cafe in Yale is just one of the local businesses that is looking for a boost from cyclo-tourism. So is Sarah Brewster, who is renovating an old house in Yale into a bed & breakfast geared to bicycle travelers.

Still alive

Trail supporters say the loss of the Vision Iowa grant is a setback, as some matching grants are now smaller. They're continuing to look for other funding to pay the $13 million project cost.

The Raccoon River Valley Trail dates back to 1989, when a 34-mile section was laid between Waukee and Yale and further extensions have been added. It's surface is either asphalt or concrete.

In addition to using Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad (Milwaukee Road), the trail will use Union Pacific right of way purchased in 2007 to complete the loop.

Picture above from Raccoon River Valley Trail website

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/12/10/disaster-relief-in-iowa-delays-trail-completion/

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