Now is the time to support your local bicycle shop

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It's always a good idea to support your local bike shop, but that's especially the case now.

Bicycle shops that were flying high over the summer when gasoline was $4 a gallon are now struggling as petrol prices drop and the economy heads south.

When you shop, maybe you can find a good deal at a discount store, but what will happen when you need to find someone to tune-up or repair your bicycle and all the small bike shops have closed?

I'd been thinking about the case of a New Haven bike shop owner who had to close one of his stores when I received an email from Mike, the blogger over at He said he's trying to start a campaign among cyclists to support their local bicycle shops this holiday season. He writes:

“The current economic crisis is hurting many businesses including local bike shops.  These local businesses will not receive government bailouts like the Wall Street Banks and auto companies. If these small businesses go under, they may no come back. You will miss them in the spring when they are not there, so support them this winter as you do your holiday shopping.”

Mike wrote an article about this, “Support your local bike shop.” He notes that bike shops have not yet gone the way of the local hardware store, but that could be the case if they don't keep their cash flow. He suggests:

“In many parts of the country, it is winter and you will be riding much less, if at all.  Bring you bike in for a tune up or long overdue maintenance.  Splurge on some upgrades or replace some worn parts – saddle, tires, brake pads, chain etc.  Buy some winter gear and keep riding longer.”

To get you started, here's the list of the top 100 specialty bicycle retailers in the US for 2008 (chosen by reps from the 7 tops bicycle brands and 7 top accessory brands). You can also find some on a google search: “(name of city) bicycle shop.”

Heck, you probably already know where your local bike shop is located; I know of two within a 7-mile radius. Just stop by and see what you need.

Above, new bicycles lined up for sale outside a Davis, California, bike shop

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