Weekend bicycle lifestyle event online

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If you're off your bicycle for a while this coming weekend, then you might want to head over to the Bicycle Touring Pro website and check out the bicycle lifestyle event there.

Webmaster Darren Alff has put together a two-day schedule of articles, interviews, videos and a live Q & A session dealing with bicycle travel, commuting and adopting a bicycle lifestyle.

While Darren has done the bulk of the work on the project, entitled, “Bicycle Travel as a Modern Lifestyle Choice,” he has called upon some other bicycling enthusiasts to contribute. Among these are articles from the Adventure Cycling Association, Chris Guillebeau, Joe “Metal Cowboy” Kurmaskie, Ted Schredd, Bike Friday, Momentum Magazine, CrazyGuyOnABike.com, WarmShowers.org and BikingBis (hey, that's me).

If that's not enough to grab your interest, then you should also know that some of the participants have donated bicycling products that will be raffled off during the event. Members of the Bicycle Touring Pro mailing list will be eligible, but must contact Darren by midnight (ET) Monday to receive the gift.

For all the information, check out  the schedule and other details for the bicycle lifestyle web event at Bicycle Touring Pro.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/11/21/weekend-bicycle-lifestyle-event-online/

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