Obama presidency could be good for bicyclists

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The Rails-to-Trails Conservancy is optimistic about improvements that bicyclists and walkers might see in the next four years.

Dissecting Barack Obama's statements and actions in recent months, the group found that the president-elect understands the role of active transportation in making metropolitan areas better places to live.

The Washington, DC-based advocacy group is promoting more federal money for bicycle and pedestrian projects in upcoming transportation funding bills. It says active transportation “has the potential to play an important role in this new administration.”


Here's some of the proof offered up in “What an Obama presidency could mean for walking and bicycling.”

— A quote from Obama at a Portland, Oregon, rally: 

“If we are going to solve our energy problems, we've got to think long-term… It's time that the entire country learn from what's happening right here in Portland with mass transit and bicycle lanes and funding alternative means of transportation. That's the kind of solution we need for America…”

— Obama energy policy plan (.pdf):

“…we must devote significantly more attention to investments that will make it easier for us to walk, bicycle and access other transportation alternatives.”

Rails-to-Trails also reminds that Obama met with bicycles advocates shortly after winning the Democratic nomination.

It also notes a pre-election Washington Post article that says Obama promotes cities based on their strengths instead of their failings. The group says that an area's facilities for bicycling and walking can be measured as a strength.

See also: Making the case for bicycling and walking,” and How 40 communities would spend $50 million each on bicycling and walking“.

Meanwhile, I see that Missouri Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder won re-election. That's good news for the Tour of Missouri.

Kinder has been an unabashed cheerleader for the Tour of Missouri the past couple of years. His opponent was deadset against using public funds to prop up the bicycle race.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/11/06/obama-presidency-could-be-good-for-bicyclists/

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