Autumn doesn't stop retired Marine from bicycling for a cause

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It might be the first week of November, but that hasn't stopped cyclo-tourist Steve Moline from touring across the US.

Moline is a retired Marine Corps major who is currently bicycling across country for the Captain Garrett T. Lawton Foundation. He founded the non-profit “to provide support and assistance to the thousands of military families who have lost a loved one in the service of our country.”

Moline named the foundation for his friend's son who was killed in Afghanistan in August. Capt. Lawton leaves behind his wife and two young sons.

Gyrene's Journey

The bike trip, which he calls a Gyrene's Journey, is expected to take him 56 days from St. Augustine to San Diego via the Adventure Cycling Association's southern tier route. He left Oct. 26.

He recently told a WNCT-TV reporter:

“Yesterday I was in Milton, FL… at a roadside Tom Thumb or 7-11. Three people were standing there when I came out of the store and they said, ‘What are you doing?’ I told them the story and they reached in their pockets and pulled out cash and started handing me cash.”

He's making the bike tour on a recumbent and will have sag support for the first few weeks until he gets in better shape. You can follow his journal at A Gyrene's Journey at Crazy Guy on a Bike. If you'd care to donate to his cause, go to Lawton Foundation.

Cancer bike tour

A cyclist whose journey just ended is Stephen Laskey of Boston. He wrapped up a more than 5,000-mile bike tour from Anchorage to Panama City, Florida. The trip took him 118 days.

Laskey is raising money for the LiveStrong Foundation. He told a local TV station:

“I've had family members and certain loved ones that I'm riding for. They kind of want to keep things a little private but that's definitely in my drive and that's what made the trip a lot more meaningful.”

He'll be posting photos and stories from his trip at his website “Effort Inspires Effort.”

Photo above from WNCT

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