Adventure Cycling popularity grows in 2008

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If you're seeking proof that cycling is gaining popularity, you need look no further than the growing membership rolls of Adventure Cycling Association.

The non-profit that targets bicycle touring experienced a 12% increase in new members in the past year, resulting in a 5% growth in overall membership. That accounts for a total 44,500 members by the end of last month.

Seeking to explain the spiking interest, membership director Julie Huck said:

“Whether it's because of last year's gas price increases, overall issues with the economy, or health and environmental concerns, more and more day-to-day cyclists are realizing that bicycle travel is a fairly simple next step.”

The Missoula, Montana-based association that got its start more than 30 years ago under the name Bikecentennial offers many services to touring bicyclists.

One of the most popular is mapping. The group has mapped out 38,158 miles of touring routes specifically for bicyclists throughout the US. These include the longer Great Divide, Underground Railroad and TransAmerican routes to the regional Washington Parks, Florida Connector and Adirondack Park Loop routes, among many others.

Adventure Cycling reported its map sales jumped 10% last year. Overall sales — the association provides bicycle touring gear — saw a 5% increase.

See more information as this Adventure Cycling Association press release.


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