Red Cross Tour du Rouge charity bike ride in wake of Hurricane Ike

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With much of the Texas and Louisiana coasts still reeling from the devastation left behind by Hurricane Gustav and Hurricane Ike, it's a good time to call attention to next month's Tour du Rouge bicycle ride.

The inaugural six-day bike tour from Houston to New Orleans is a fund-raiser for American Red Cross chapters in the region that provide relief to people displaced by natural disasters.

If you need to know why people combine recreational bicycle riding with fund-raising, check out the current issue of Adventure Cyclist magazine which dedicated its current issue to charity bicycle rides. The Adventure Cycling Association's publication tells stories about people who make the rides and lists 8 fund-raising bike rides, which I've added to Charity Bike Rides calendar.


The Tour du Rouge looks like a good cause and a good ride.

American Red Cross personnel from across the US are often the first people on the ground after a disaster such as Hurricane Ike. They set up shelters for the homeless in these situations and distribute food, blankets and other necessities to families that have lost everything.

It's not a government agency and relies of private donations to do its job.


The charity bike ride rolls out from Oct. 18 to 23, 2008. The supported bike tour covers 512 miles, averaging 85 miles per day with rest stops every 20 or 25 miles.

After a Friday party in Houston, the ride's itinerary is:

Oct. 18, Humble to Beaumont — 82 miles
Oct. 19, Beaumont to Creole — 81 miles
Oct. 20, Creole to Abbeville — 95 miles
Oct. 21, Abbeville to Morgan City — 77 miles
Oct. 22, Morgan City to Gonzales — 98 miles
Oct. 23, Gonzales to New Orleans — 79 miles

The cost is $100 to register per rider with a minimum fund-raising target of $2,500. Fund-raising support personal websites are available.

If you can't ride but want to donate to disaster relief services offered by the American Red Cross in the region, go to Tour du Rouge Make a Donation.

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