Ride the City maps safe bike routes across New York City

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A useful mash-up called Ride the City uses Google maps to find the safest bicycle routes from one point to another across New York City.

This is sort of the answer to the petition posted earlier this year at the Google Maps “Bike There” blog that seeks Google to include a “bike there” choice on all its maps in big cities.

The only difference is that it only works in the five boroughs of New York City, and it wasn't created by Google but by three cyclists — Jordan Anderson, Vaidila Kungys, and Josh Steinbauer.

Instant bike map

I'm not very familiar with New York City, so I choose a couple of random points to find a bike route using the application. I choose Allen Street down in the Lower East Side to the intersection of East 91st and Madison Avenue.

What Ride the City came up with was an 8-mile ride that utilized a high percentage of bike lanes and greenways. As you can see above, it wasn't a direct route, but it was a safe route; the green represents bike lanes or greenways (essentially off-street paths), and the purple represents other streets.

According to the website:

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/08/26/ride-the-city-maps-safe-bike-routes-across-new-york-city/

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