Naked cyclists protest at Vancouver police station

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Imagine the movie “Assault on Precinct 13” — naked. That's kind of what happened in Vancouver, BC, this weekend.

After police there arrested a man who participated in a naked bicycle ride with his 3-year-old son on Saturday, the group rode through downtown Vancouver to the police station to protest the arrest.

Unlike the movie, there was no violence. Naked bicyclists don't carry weapons.


About 75 cyclists who showed up at English Bay in the clothing optional ride were met by six police cars and a paddy wagon. Several people had telephoned police about the youth riding with the naked cyclists, and the cops were there to ensure the man and his son wore some kind of clothing during the ride.

The father initially agreed, but later stripped himself and his son to the buff. He was arrested on public nudity laws and released.

Not all the cyclists agreed with the father having his son ride naked, however, according wire reports. Members posting to Seattle World Naked Bike Ride group seem split on the issue as well.

The next naked bike ride is tentatively scheduled for Sept. 6 or 7 in West Seattle. See the worldwide list of naked rides for details.

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