Asleep at the wheel; Miami cabbie hits 11 cyclists

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Thankfully no one was killed when a cab driver in Miami drove into a group of bicyclists out for a morning ride along the scenic MacArthur Causeway on Sunday morning.

The Miami Herald reports that the cabdriver apparently fell asleep at the wheel before striking the 11 bicyclists.

Six were sent to area hospitals, where one 48-year-old is listed in critical condition and undergoing surgery at a trauma center. The other five are all listed in stable condition. The five not hospitalized were treated at the scene for road rash and other minor injuries.

The cabdriver came upon the group of cyclists from behind. He dragged one of the cyclists some 30 feet before stopping. News reports showed a couple of mangled bikes under the cab after the crash.

The cabbie, Herbert Morais, 52, told police he fell asleep while driving. No charges have yet been filed against the Checker Cab Company driver.

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