Lance Armstrong is Austin's top residential water user

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It sounds like Lance Armstrong might be over-hydrating.

The city of Austin reports that Armstrong was billed $1,630 for 222,900 gallons in June and $2,460 for 330,000 gallons in July for water usage at his 1-acre estate. No residence in Austin used more water.

Armstrong has been out in California and Colorado the past couple of months, according to reports. I wonder if he ever got the feeling that maybe he left the water running in the bathtub at home.

The Austin-American Statesman asked him about his water usage:

“I need to fix this. to use that much more water (than most residents) is unacceptable. I have no interest being the top water user in Austin, Texas.”

If you read the comments about his water usage at the newspaper's website, you'll see that his neighbors are unhappy about scrimping to save water during a drought while the taps flow at Armstrong's property.

It isn't the first time that Armstrong has had run-ins with neighbors over water. A few years ago he built a dam on his ranch that caused a popular local swimming hole to cloud up with pollution.

Armstrong said he spent about $850,000 to clean up the problem. 

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