More people on bikes, but who's suffering?

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When I first read that Arizona's state Republican Party chairman was riding his bicycle across the state, I thought he was calling attention to the benefits of bicycling.

But no. Randy Pullen is upset the Democrats in Congress hadn't done anything about high gasoline prices. He told the Arizona Republic:

“We decided a 500-mile bicycle trip might help call attention to how ordinary Americans are suffering from the national energy crisis.”

Excuse me, but riding a bicycle is not suffering. It's fun.

More bicycling

Americans in record numbers are taking to the streets to commute and run errands by bicycle, but I don't think any of them are suffering. The ones I see and talk with seem to be enjoying their time on the bike.

They're getting healthier and more fit. They're saving money on gas and parking. They're doing something with their commute time instead of sitting in a traffic jam stewing over whether they'll get to work on time.

Pullen is using the 9-day trip from the Grand Canyon to Tombstone to raise pledges for the GOP.

There's a picture of Pullen riding his bicycle on the Arizona GOP website. If you looking closely, even he's smiling. He isn't suffering.

Instead of calling attention to the plight of Americans paying more for gasoline, Pullen's trip might be calling promoting the advantages and benefits of bicycle riding.

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