More stages, more hills at 2008 Tour of Missouri

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The Tour of Missouri announced the route for 2008, which offers one more day of bicycle racing and some new, hillier roads.

The 2nd annual race rolls out Sept. 8-14 this year, featuring 120 cyclists and 15 pro teams.

The organizers are making a lot out of the new courses, but I'm frankly surprised that so many of the routes are “remakes” from last year. Don't most of the popular stage races feature new courses every year (at least different routes) to keep the race fresh and to show off different parts of their state or country?

The added stage this year means more hills overall. Those Ozarks can be killer.

Here's a brief rundown of the stages. Details and maps are at the Tour of Missouri website:

Stage 1: Monday, Sept. 8 — A 90-mile race from St. Joseph to Kansas City, which ends in three circuits.

Stage 2: Tuesday, Sept. 9 — A 126-mile race from Clinton (terminus of Katy Bike Trail) to Springfield is a remake of last year's stage, won by eventual race champion George Hincapie.

Stage 3: Wednesday, Sept. 10 — A difficult 18-mile individual time trial in Branson; same as last year.

Stage 4: Thursday, Sept. 11 — The 95-mile stage from Lebanon to Rolla is a new course that features lots of climbing.

Stage 5: Friday, Sept. 12 — This 108-mile stage from St. James to Jefferson City is a new course, which features an uphill sprint at the finish.

Stage 6: Saturday, Sept. 13 — A 96-mile race from Hermann to St. Charles features a couple of steep climbs on this replay from last year.

Stage 7: Sunday, Sept. 14 — The Tour of Missouri once again ends in St. Louis with a 5-circuit race, although this year's course has changed.

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