David Byrne making sense with bicycling

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One of the loneliest movies I ever attended was “Stop Making Sense”, which featured a concert by the Talking Heads, led by David Byrne. My future wife and I were the only people watching that particular screen at the cineplex in Modesto, California, that evening in 1984.

Today, David Byrne is still a musician and artist living in Manhattan and is known for riding his bicycle everywhere; and I'm renting the least popular movies at the local video store and riding a bike.

In writing about his current project of turning a building into a musical instrument, The Village Voice reports that Byrne recently fell while cycling and broke a couple of ribs.

“Byrne is an avid cyclist, which is how, unfortunately, he got those busted ribs—he recently wiped out on West 14th Street, upon which two cops appeared and immediately wanted to know if a) he'd been drinking and b) he was David Byrne. Yes to both questions.”

What makes Byrne an “avid cyclist?”

In October, the Streetfilms blog wrote about Byrne's presentation: “How New Yorkers Ride Bikes.” Reading that, I learned Byrne has been using bicycle transportation for 20 or 30 years. The story tells about the many facets of bike-riding in the New York City.

What has Byrne learned from all this bicycling?

He offers 10 tips for bicycling in New York City at GreenAppleMap.com. Among them, watch out for cars with New Jersey license plates and use your bike to gallery or club hop at night.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/06/04/david-byrne-making-sense-with-bicycling/

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