TransAmerica cyclists helping Ordway “Trail Angel”

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Gillian Hoggard

Update: Jan. 21, 2010 — Traveling bicyclists once again welcome at Gillian's ranch

Read Gillian's personal message in comments below…

Touring bicyclists who benefitted from Gillian Hoggard's hospitality on the hot, dry plains of eastern Colorado in recent years are paying her back.

After a wildfire swept across her home and property last month and destroyed everything in its path, a “reforestation fund” has been set up and at least one work party is heading to her land near Ordway.

It's heartening to see touring cyclists come together to lend a hand to someone whose efforts on their behalf earned her the “Trail Angel” award from Adventure Cycling Association for 2006.

Work party

One of the cyclists who learned about Gillian's house by word-of-mouth on his cross-country trip last summer is the first to return. Craig Sternagel is heading to Ordway over the Memorial Day weekend to help out. Although Gillian's home is a charred ruins, Craig said that she has two travel trailers on her property, one for her and one for guests.

“She's very anxious to get her garden green again,” Craig says. He expects members of the work party will be helping with the garden, as well as erecting fences so she can get her livestock back and replanting trees.

“She's pleased that someone remembered her,” Craig said, “And she's not too proud to accept help or donations.”

More help

Becky Douglas, Outreach and Education Coordinator for Adventure Cycling, left a comment earlier today on a previous story (“TransAmerica Trail Angel's home destroyed in Colorado fire”) about the efforts that are underway to help Gillian. She wrote:

Gillian's generosity was known far and wide, and as soon as the news hit the papers and airwaves, Adventure Cycling Association started hearing from members who experienced her abundant generosity and were touched by her kindness. Below are a few ways that you can help to give back to someone who has been kind to bicyclists for years. Learn more about her generosity at


1. Gillian would love to hear from you and receive any photos you may have of her home and property. You can send them directly to her at

2. Gillian had an extensively landscaped island of reprieve in eastern Colorado. Adventure Cycling is accepting donations for a “reforestation fund” for Gillian, to help, as she said, “get her place green again”. Checks should be made out directly to Gillian Hoggard, and should say c/o Gillian Hoggard, Adventure Cycling Association, 150 E Pine. St., Missoula, MT 59802.

3. People are also welcome to lend a literal hand restoring Gillian’s property, and she has already set up a caravan (travel trailer) for four folks to stay in. There will be a work party by Adventure Cycling at the end of May. Contact Craig Sternagle for more information about that work party at, and Gillian at if you can stop by any other time.

That's all good news and it sounds like visitors, even those arriving on two wheels, will be able to stop in this summer. They should expect to pound some nails or dig some holes, however, which is a good respite after days in the saddle.

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