New online resource for bike rides and tours in Canada

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10 routes described

Photo by Michael McGoldrick

If you're planning a bicycle touring trip to Ontario or Quebec this season, a good first stop might be the Cycling in the Ottawa-Gatineau area website.

Ottawa bicyclist Michael McGoldrick has assembled maps, pictures and descriptions of his many bike rides in and around the capital city at the recently launched website.

He's also added maps and descriptions of some longer rides elsewhere in Canada, such as the 120-mile P'tit Train du Nord trail in the Laurentians north of Montreal.


Michael has spent 20 years living in the Ottawa area and has been doing a lot of bicycling there in the past five or six years. He's learned a lot about cycling around town with his daily commute, and he and his wife spend one or two weeks every summer on longer bike tours around Canada.

One of his favorite local rides is the Champlain Lookout in Gatineau Park.

The P'tit Train du Nord trail and Prince Edward County (home to many wineries) are both favorites for longer tours; he recommends either one for bicyclists from outside the area who are looking for multi-day tours.


The website is aimed at people who are relatively new to bicycling or new to riding in the Ottawa area. The route descriptions are detailed and describe local landmarks. Michael also includes resources for finding out more information.

The Ottawa area bike trips described are:

The Big Loop

East-End Ottawa

Cycle to Aylmer and Beyond

The Gatineau Park

Ottawa to Stittsville

Ottawa to Carleton Place

Longer rides in Canada:

P'tit Train du Nord

Ontario's Prince Edward County

The Georgian Trail

Cycling Along the Thousand Islands

If you don't find something that interests you, keep on checking back. Michael says he plans to add a couple of new bike tour routes every year. The first will probably be Prince Edward Island on the Atlantic Coast.

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