Spinning along with bike rocker Attila Horvath

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Attila Horvath gets his inspiration while pedaling down the road. But unlike the moments of creativity that some of us mistakenly believe we achieve on the bicycle, Horvath's are worth hearing.

Horvath is a bike rocker, maybe the only one around. Here's a link to two bicycling songs — “Ride On” and “Flyin Free” — on his Attila Horvath MySpace page.

The musician who makes his home in Athens, Ohio, wrote an article about his work in the March issue of Adventure Cyclist, the monthly magazine of Adventure Cycling Association.


He really is inspired by events on the bike. He wrote “Road Rage” after he tried chasing down a guy in a pickup truck who had cut him off. 

We've probably all felt this rage, I know I have, and the eventual realization that it's pointless and stupid to try and catch the motorist and start a fight. But Horvath found an outlet for his anger in his song:

“Ridin' my bicycle every single day, gettin' disrespected on every roadway
People in their boxes don't give a damn, SUVs, hatchbacks, pimping sedans
People understand I got a right to the road cruisin' through your town with my heavy load
This is real life, not a video game.”

Horvath is succeeding in the bike rock genre. He's recorded a CD, “Bike Rock,” and is working on a sequel.

Bike tours

In addition to the usual concert gigs, he gets invites to appear at week-long bike tours like Bicycle Ride Across Tennessee (BRAT). That's cool for Horvath, because he used to ride in these bike tours as a customer with all the other cyclists, and then perform on talent nights.

Horvath's songs are available for sale on his MySpace page. A separate Bike Rock web page also has a store, tour info, lyrics to his songs, and more.

Give him a listen. Maybe it will give you something to think about when you're Rollin' Down the road.

Portrait from his website

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/04/02/spinning-along-with-bike-rocker-attila-horvath/

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