GM buying Specialized Bicycle company

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(April Fool's Day post for 2008)

Could General Motors be going green? reports early Tuesday morning UK-time that the world's biggest carmaker is buying California-based Specialized Bicycles.

Maybe GM sees the writing on the wall; one day there won't be any more oil to put in its cars. GM's Flora Lopi, VP for environment, energy and safety policy attributes it to GM being in the forefront of developing new transportation choices with limited impact on the environment.

See the San Jose Business Journal for the full story. Be sure to check out the “Related News” on the SJBJ website for the latest developments to this story of interest to all bicyclists; and definitely check out Seriously. Check it out.

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In other April 1st news, VeloNews reports that former Olympic cyclists Davis Phinney and Connie Carpenter are opening a sperm and egg bank in Colorado. Phinney's sperm or Carpenter's eggs will be matched in vitro with the prospective parents who want champion children.

The couple are the parents of Taylor Phinney, a 17-year-old who is a likely candidate in cycling for the US Olympic team in the SummerGames.

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