Two more bicycling advocacy jobs on East Coast

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If you didn't find your dream job in “Bicycling advocacy jobs: You call this working?”, then here are two more jobs that are available for the East Coast.

The Bicycle Coalition of Maine is looking for a new executive director after Jeffrey Miller accepted a position as head of the Thunderhead Alliance. The person would direct a three-person staff to improve bicycling safety, education and access in Maine.

The coalition has 6,000 members. More details at the Bicycle Coalition of Maine website.

If you're a bicycle blogger on the East Coast, you might be interested in this travel writing position with the East Coast Greenway Alliance.

The Alliance is putting together an off-road route from the tip of Maine all the way through Florida, more than 3,000 miles. They're looking for someone to help publish eight short guides to sections of the Greenway this year. This first one is due in May.

“The job would include
traveling on and researching the route sections, writing the text, and
working with a cartographer and graphic designer to design the guides.”

Contact for more information.

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