How green is YOUR bike ride?

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This Sierra Club poll may not be new, but I've just stumbled across links to it in the past couple of days.

It's sort of a good-natured way to educate bicyclists that they may not be as “green” as they think, depending on some bicycling choices they make.

Take the poll at “How Green is My Bike Ride?” No cheating.

My score

In the efforts of full disclosure, I scored a 91 out of 100. I got knicked for:

3. Switching on a battery-powered LED light when it starts to get dark. I knew I'd get dinged for this, but I gave up my generator when my high school-era bike went to Goodwill 40 years ago. -3

5. Using an eclectic mix of synthetic and natural materials. Sorry, gotta go with the Spandex shorts and polypro tights. T-shirt, jersey or jacket choice depends on the ride or weather. -3

6. My favorite type of riding is on a deserted country road. What's wrong with that? I ride through my neighborhood streets to get out there, and I ride through the neighborhood for errands. Am I sounding a little defensive? -2

8. My bike weighs — Who knows? It's probably different for every ride; fenders or not, different stuff on a rack or backpack or jersey pockets. I don't want to know. It would just depress me. (I don't know my exact gear ratios either.) -1

So I guess I'm a rather pale green. I may go back later and see if I can get a perfect “0.”

How did you score?

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