February highway sand-removal project and bike ride stats

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This is the chain on my road bike earlier this month. I accumulated all this crap over just a few days of riding.

Do you have a hard time believing that I kept this bike on the roads and didn't ride on one muddy off-road trail?

You'd trust me if I told you that tons of sand are dumped on hilly roads in the eastside Seattle 'burbs any time a little snow or ice appears. After a couple of days passing cars sweep it all off onto the shoulders. There it sits for months, until all of us eastside bike riders pick it up, grain by grain, onto our chains and carry it home.

Clean up

I've cleaned off the chain repeatedly, using a rag and some degreaser (or just a stick for the big globs on the pulleys), and I hose off and wipe down the rest regularly.

Maybe in a few weeks — if it doesn't cut into road time — I'll review the Jim Langley's website on Washing Your Bike.

Tale of the tape

But riding time is more important than cleaning time, I have to admit. So I'll probably pedal along with less than maximum performance and shorten the life of my chain and components.

In February I bicycled 251 miles closer to my goal of riding 4,000 miles this year, giving me a grand total of 563 miles in 2008.

Although I'm off the pace of 667 miles, I'm some 150 miles ahead of last year's pace. Good for me.

Best ride of the month: Chilly Hilly, followed closely by a sunny ride around Mercer Island. 

Worst ride of the month: Can't think of one.

Excuses: Flu-ish for a week; stayed home with my kids on winter break.

Boast: In spite of it all, still did 15 rides.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/03/02/february-highway-sand-removal-project-and-bike-ride-stats/

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