Canadian bike friendly programs win grants

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When Trek president John Burke urged the bicycle industry to create a bike friendly world, the Canadians were listening.

The Bicycle Trade Association of Canada has awarded $25,000 to six different advocacy programs that put people back on two wheels.

The nonprofit group for suppliers and retailers sponsors the ExpoCycle(Canada's bike trade show, Sept. 7-9, 2008, Montreal) and lobbies the government on cycling issues. They issued the grants in advocacy, education and facility enhancement.

The envelope please:

Vancouver — After school bike program, $5,000, education;

Edmonton — Bike Rodeo resource kit, $2,500, education;

Velo Quebec — Providing communities with tools to facilitate biking and walking, $5,000, education;

Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation – Cycling Policy Conference — Spring gathering publicizes benefits of cities investing in cycling programs, $5,000, advocacy;

Toronto Cyclist Union — Bicycle advocacy group seeks to engage 1 million cyclists, $2,500, advocacy;

Moncton’s Centennial Bike Zone — Creation of 12-acre mountain bike park, $5,000, faclity.

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