Enjoying clear-weather cycling

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Cold dry weather in the Seattle area has been responsible for some spectacular views of the distant mountain ranges lately.

Above, a guy on a bicycle leashed up his dogs and took them for a run on the bike path at Myrtle Edwards Park along the Seattle waterfront on Tuesday.

On the left of the picture you can see the snow-capped Olympic Mountains across the Puget Sound. Those peaks are about 50 miles away as the eagle flies.

How cold?

When I say cold weather is responsible for these clear views, please don't think we're all getting frostbit here. It was 30 degrees when I left the house and 40 when I returned a couple of hours later.

That's balmy compared to the cold snap that swept the northern tier recently, but cold enough to keep some recreational cyclists off the streets. I didn't see too many people out bicycling; they may prefer the wetness to the coldness.

Bike commuters

There appeared to be evidence of normally heavy bike commute traffic between Bellevue and Seattle earlier in the morning, however. Check out all the tire tracks through the frost on this causeway over the marsh in Bellevue.

This path runs next to I-90, on the left, then crosses the bridge over to Mercer Island on a narrow bike lane on the bridge deck.

This guy was wearing one of the free windbreakers that you get for riding STP as an outer layer, and he was bundled up underneath. He said he was plenty warm.

Rain and/or snow is expected to return on Thursday.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/01/22/enjoying-clear-weather-cycling/

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