2008 Bicycle Film Festival seeking entries

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Deadline is Feb. 19.

The 2008 Bicycle Film Festival is coming off its best year ever, entertaining some 100,000 people in 15 cities around the world.

As it enters its eighth year of celebrating all things bicycle, the festival organizer is seeking submissions for this year's festival. The 2-minute video at left splices together some trailers from last year's BFF films.

Founding director Brendt Barbur says they're looking for films representing a bicycle theme or character. “A fine thriller with one scene of a bicycle chase does not count.”

More guidelines

Any and all types of bicycle themes are acceptable; BMX, narratives, documentaries, experimental, Hollywood, cycling, etc. Any length film can be accepted for showing, although short films under 10 minutes are easier to program for the shorts program.

The festival schedule for 2008 hasn't been posted, but cities in 2007 included New York, Chicago, Portland, San Francisco in the US and Toronto, Vienna,  London,  Paris and Sydney, among others.

The submission form is available at the Bicycle Film Festival website.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/01/22/2008-bicycle-film-festival-seeking-entries/

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