“One in a hundred” day for a bike ride

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Once every winter the rain stops, the winds die down, the clouds part and the sun shines. Every few years that day falls on a weekend.

I exaggerate, but only slightly. Sunday was such a day in Seattle. After several weeks of nearly daily rain and drizzle, the sun shone in the Puget Sound area and temperatures rose to the low 50s.


The weather drew thousands of bicyclists outdoors. Lots of their bikes had fenders and buddy flaps. Those machines looked kind of grungy. I figure those folks would have been riding Sunday anyway — rain or shine.

But quite a few fenderless bikes looked very clean, as if they'd been stored in a nice dry place for the past couple of months. This was the perfect day for them.

The scenery

If you ride in Seattle, you'll recognize where I took this picture; it's that last little near-vertical climb from the I-90 bridge bike path up to the Mount Baker neighborhood. The bridge crosses Lake Washington from Mercer Island, in the background. Those are the snow-capped Cascades to the east.

As for the weather, this view will be probably be obscured on Monday by the forecasted rain. But later in the week, the weatherman is predicting partly cloudy dryness and highs in the low 40s.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/01/14/one-in-a-hundred-day-for-a-bike-ride/

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