Adventure Cycling offers one-day bike tour maps

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The group that published the TransAmerica Bicycle Route maps more than 30 years ago is launching a map program for day-trip loops off its Underground Railroad Bicycle Route.

The first one — Freedom's Landing, Ripley, Ohio (.pdf) — is available free online at the Adventure Cycling Association website and in area bike stores and tourist stops.

In addition to being a great resource for recreational bicycle riders, the day-trip program encourages local bike clubs or other groups along the Underground Railroad Bicycle Route to create their own maps that Adventure Cycling will promote and post on its website.

Ripley is first

The first day-trip map charts three loops based in Ripley, the Ohio River landing for escaped slaves heading north to freedom. It features three bicycle loops for beginner, intermediate and advanced cyclists with lengths of 9, 13, and 27 miles.

Like all Adventure Cycling route maps, the chart tells more than where to turn right or left. The loops are color-coded, the terrain is explained and many historic buildings related to that period are featured, as are local bike shops and eateries.

The local loop and historic research was conducted by Michael Hart of Mycle's Cycles in Georgetown, Ohio. The Governor's Office of Appalachia and the Brown County Tourism bureau paid for the maps.

Underground RR

Adventure Cycling published the 2,058-mile long Underground Railroad Bicycle Route late in 2006 and bicycle travellers took to the route in 2007.

It starts in Mobile, Alabama, and heads north through Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and into Canada at Niagara Falls.

Along the way, bicyclists can visit historic sites that mark the path followed by slaves in the pre-Civil War days.

Mappers wanted

The nonprofit is looking for more people along the corridor who want to create day-trip bicycle maps that incorporate the Underground Railroad Bicycle Route.

What's needed?

— A point person to coordinate the details at the local level;

— At least one day-loop that intercepts the Underground Railroad route; it should be on bicycle-friendly roads and include historical sites;

— Funding to pay for the printing and distribution. Adventure Cycling suggests local tourism bureaus or business sponsorships.

Post and promote

Adventure Cycling will post the maps on its website and promote them to its members.

Jim Sayer, executive director of Adventure Cycling, says the group will continue to develop its long distance routes, “but we thought it was time to make it easier for beginners and other cyclists to get introduced to our routes.”

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