Pair set new indoor spinning record

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I'm always amazed at athletes who compete in endurance sports, especially those ultra events that involve sleep deprivation from hours and days in the activity.

UltraRob's Adventures blog tells about two cyclists — John “Blue Dog” Jurczynski and Mike “Mad Dog” Gallagher — who each set an indoor spinning record of 112 113 hours at a sports club in Laconia, New Hampshire, last night.

If confirmed officially, the effort will put these two “Dogs” in the pages of the next Guinness Book of World Records, barring the unlikely prospect that someone can beat 112 hours. Actually, the previous record of 111 hours, 11 minutes and 11 seconds had been set by George Hood last summer.

To qualify for the world record, two witnesses and medical staff need to be present at all times. The spinners needed to maintain an average virtual speed of 12 mph and stay on the bikes for 55 minutes every hour. Those minutes could carry over, just like some cell phone plans, so they could catch a catnap when needed.

Jurczynski is a solo Race Across America competitor, so he knows about spending hours and hours in the saddle. He set an unofficial spinning record last year.

In addition to setting the World Record, the pair were trying to raise $50,000 for the Children's Auction.

For a recent history of the quest to set the indoor endurance cycling record, check out “Spinning again for Guinness World Record” at UltraRob's blog.

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