Lance Armstrong's marathon finish latest headline in strange week

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Update: Sept. 8: “Lance Armstrong coming out of retirement in 2009?”

Just for the record, Lance Armstrong finished the 2007 New York City Marathon in 2-hours 46-minutes, beating his inaugural run last year by 13 minutes.

The official marathon website listed Armstrong as finishing 233rd, although other reports put him in the low 600s. Some 39,000 ran in the marathon on Sunday.

The news source that seems to have more coverage of Armstrong than any other, E! Online, also reported that Ashley Olsen was “nowhere to be seen” at the finish line. Apparently the two were seen together earlier this week playing kissy-face.

Bizarre resume

For the past couple of years, I've been getting daily google news alerts for Lance Armstrong, who won his 7th Tour de France in 2005. Here's an example of one day's headlines from last week, just to show how weird Armstrong's life has become:

Armstrong seen as potential candidate in years to come (KVUE-TV, Austin TV station) — Armstrong's campaign for a Texas cancer proposition leads many to believe that he could run for public office;

Genetically engineered mighty mouse is the rodent Lance Armstrong (Telegraph, UK) — Scientists boost an enzyme in a mouse that makes it “metabolically similar to Lance Armstrong biking up the Pyrenees;”

Schroon craftsman dies in fall (Plattsburgh Press American) — A stone mason and avid cyclist who died in a fall is remembered as an admirer of Armstrong;

Ashley Olsen and Lance Armstrong suck face in public — again (National Ledger) — The 36-year-old former cyclist is seen kissing the 21-year-old Ashley-half of the Olsen twins.

Lance Armstrong: Tour de France winner, marathon runner, cancer fund-raiser, physical specimen, political candidate, inspiration, cradle snatcher.

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