Big award in California cyclist's death

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A Ventura County (California) jury has awarded $12.5 million to the family of a bicyclist who died when he was rear-ended by an 82-year-old woman in the fall of 2006.

It was the second rear-end accident in six months for the woman, who had learned about a month prior that she had severe cataracts in both eyes.

The cyclist, Glenn Garvin, was a 49-year-old dental surgeon who was riding in the bicycle lane of Westlake Boulevard when he was hit from behind by the Lexus. Attorneys say the woman has insurance and other assets that might cover the award to Garvin's wife and two teen-age sons.

Garvin's wife said her husband was an avid cyclist and city traffic commissioner who “taught and lived bicycle safety.”

The award was based partly on Garvin's future earnings and intangibles regarding the loss to the family and community.

The motorist had offered to pay medical and funeral costs of about $40,000. The LA Daily News said Garvin earned more than $700,000 in 2006.

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