Bicycling on Lopez Island
One of the first writing assignments I always faced when I returned to school in the fall was “How did you spend your summer vacation?”
Now that we're all grown up, let's hear about your summer bicycle vacation. I know there are a couple of across-state tours left — namely Arizona and Oregon. But summer is over, the days are getting shorter, and it's time to take stock.
I've created a poll at the top of the right column with several bike touring options. You'll learn the poll results as you vote; the final answers will be published next week.
The only problem is that this poll is multiple choice; your beginning-of-school assignment was an essay. If you care to expound, feel free to do so in the comments.
Tour types
An “independent tour” means you just took off on your own, either loaded down with 50 pounds of gear or just a credit card.
“Tour company” means that you paid a private concern or a non-profit to make all the arrangements for you — camping, bed and breakfast, etc.
The “across-state” bike tour choice is for those who most enjoyed the RAGBRAI, BRAG, RAW, Cycle Oregon, or any other typically week-long bicycle ride that explores a state or region.
An “overnight charity ride” is typically an MS150 or any other major fund-raiser that involves camping.
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