Lance Armstrong presidential cancer forum

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The LiveStrong Presidential Cancer Forum is underway today and Tuesday in Iowa, where Lance Armstrong strives to make the fight against cancer a top issue in the 2008 presidential campaign.

Democrats Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Bill Richardson and Dennis Kucinich spoke Monday at Cedar Rapids; the Republicans get a shot on Tuesday. Noticeable in his absence was Democrat Barack Obama and Tuesday's expected no-shows Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani.

Check out the LiveStrong Presidential Cancer Forum blog for updates from the event. MSNBC is showing the forums live from 10 a.m. – noon on Monday and Tuesday on cable and at its live video website.

More at Des Moines Register (“Candidates pledge to fight cancer“) and ABC news.

Update: Chicago Tribune reports that only two GOP candidates — Sam Brownback and Mike Huckabee — attended the cancer forum.

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