A virtual ride through London's Tour de France prologue route

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The 2007 Tour de France opens on Saturday with a 4.9-mile prologue through the city of London. Bicycle racers will start individually at Whitehall, pedal past the Houses of Parliament, loop through Hyde Park and finish on The Mall.

The BBC mounted a camera in a car and filmed “The Real Prologue,” a speeded up version of what it's like to drive the prologue route during the morning rush hour.

Meanwhile, Cycling.tv has provided a 4-minute video of the best spots to catch the prologue in London, below:


Meanwhile, London will have 5,000 police on duty this weekend for the historic event that is expected to attract a million people to central London. While the discovery of two cars bombs in London last weekend has authorities concerned, they reviewed their plans and are confident people will be safe.

On Sunday, the peloton takes off for Stage 1 from London to Canterbury.

Festivities for Saturday events surrounding the prologue start Saturday morning in London.

Meanwhile, viewers in the US can watch the Tour de France prologue from 8 -11 a.m. 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. (ET) on the Versus (formerly OLN and still so in Canada) cable network. It will be repeated from 8 – 11 p.m. (ET) Saturday night.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/07/06/a-virtual-ride-through-londons-tour-de-france-prologue-route/

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