Apology nearly knocks me off my bike

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The other day, I finally topped the climb near my house. I paused to let the motorist in the oncoming lane make a right turn from the 3-way stop, as I prepared to make a left.

He made his turn. I started into the intersection, but the guy following him slid along behind him and we were on a collision course.

“Yo yo yo yo yo!” I distinctly remember yelling “Yo” five times. (In times of crisis I seem to revert to Rocky Balboa speak, as in “Yo, Paulie”.) He stopped, and I pedaled on through.

Slowing down

About a half block away, I hear the car approaching and it is slowing down. Oh boy, here is comes, a string of expletives. The guy is pacing me now, and I'm deciding whether to pick the high road (smile and just shake my head when he launches into me) or the low road (return his verbal assault).

I look over.


That's it. Just a sheepish admission that he screwed up and he is apologizing. I was totally shocked.

“Oh, that's OK,” I hear myself say. Why did I say that? I have no idea but that's what came out.

Sometimes the weirdest things happen on a bike.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/06/23/apology-nearly-knocks-me-off-my-bike/

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