AIDS/Lifecycle bike tour underway in California

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A record 2,300 bicyclists are riding in this year's AIDS/Lifecycle, which began its 7-day tour down the California coast on Sunday.

Starting the 545-mile bike ride in San Francisco, the rolling fund-raiser made its first stop in Santa Cruz, left, on Sunday night at Harvey West Park.

The “inside” story of the event, which raised $11 million for AIDS research this year, is provided online at Experience AIDS/Lifecycle 6. The website offers bike tour images, four blogs, and a podcast all updated daily.

The cyclists from 43 states and 10 countries are joined by about 450 “roadies,” who volunteer for many services, such as helping to set up and maintain the campsites along the way.

After leaving Santa Cruz on Monday morning, the schedule for the travelling city is Monday night — King City; Tuesday night — Paso Robles; Wednesday night — Santa Maria; Thursday night — Lompoc; Friday night — Ventura; and its ultimate destination on Saturday — Los Angeles.

This is the 6th year for the AIDS/Lifecycle, sponsored by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center. The riders have raised more than $30 million to fund HIV and AIDS services.

If you've ever bicycled down the California coast, you know how hilly this can be. The first day was marked by a long hill, recorded as between 8 and 15 miles by cyclists who are blogging the event. One who found it a challenge was Bart, who explained he isn't used to hills as he comes from The Netherlands.

Let's all wish them luck for a safe trip.

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