Garzelli wins Stage 16; no threat to Di Luca's overall Giro lead

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Stefano Garzelli has won the Giro d'Italia (in 2000) and won sprints to the finish; but he has never chalked up a solo finish, until Tuesday.

The Italian caught up with a breakaway about 23 miles from the finish, then attacked them on the Bannberg climb with 18 miles to go. Since the 33-year cyclist for Acqua & Sappone started the day 20 minutes back, race leader Danilo Di Luca of Liquigas didn't see a threat and let him go.

Garzelli crossed the finish in Lienz, Austria, about 8 minutes ahead of the pink jersey group. He beat his breakaway compatriots by about a half minute.

The 177-mile Stage 16 from Agordo to Lienz saw two climbs in the Dolomites, the Passo di Campolongo and the smaller Bannberg. The early pace was slow as riders shook off the rest day and acclimated to the rainy conditions.

A breakaway developed after the feed zone, and that's the one that Garzelli eventually caught.

CyclingNews says the win marks Garzelli's eighth at the Giro (he just won Saturday), and first solo.

Meanwhile, no change in the leaders, who finished about 8 minutes behind Garzelli.

More details at CyclingNews and VeloNews.


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