Spectator severely injured at Brasstown Bald accident after TdG

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Update: May 9, 2007 — Cycling fan dies in Georgia

Visitors to the Brasstown Bald stage of the Tour de Georgia on Friday might have witnessed rescuers reviving a man who crashed his bike on the way down the mountain.

The man, Thomas Kinnebrew of Helena, Arkansas, crashed into a rock embankment after he lost control on his bike after the race. Rescuers at the scene kept him alive with chest compressions, according to CyclingNews.

The Georgia State Patrol reports the 53-year-old man suffered severe head and spine injuries, as well as a collapsed lung and was under treatment at the North Fulton Regional Hospital.

And he was wearing a helmet, according to a report at the WMC website.

The latest update on his condition, listed as critical but stable, was on Monday.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/04/24/spectator-severely-injured-at-brasstown-bald-accident-after-tdg/

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