2007 Tour de Georgia highlights at YouTube

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The Tour de Georgia has posted the highlights of several stages of this year's bike race at YouTube. Here's a 10-second clip of fans chasing Levi Leipheimer up Brasstown Bald.

As of Sunday night, the finishes for Stage 5 (Brasstown Bald), Stage 6 and Stage 7 were also posted. These clips run about 6 to 10 minutes each.

You can also find Tour de Georgia videos (including a Floyd Landis press conference) at timschamber.

James at the Bicycle Design blog has some great images posted from Brasstown Bald at his jctdesign site at flickr.com, and more from Atlanta are expected soon.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/04/23/2007-tour-de-georgia-highlights-at-youtube/

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