Armstrong appears on Ted Koppel's “Living with Cancer” panel

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Former pro cyclist and the world's most famous cancer survivor Lance Armstrong will appear on the live Town Hall meeting “Living with Cancer” on the Discovery Channel.

The show, hosted by former ABC Nightlight reporter Ted Koppel, also features presidential candidate spouse Elizabeth Edwards, exec producer Leroy Sievers (“My Cancer” blog), and a studio audience comprised of people living with cancer.

The show airs at 8 p.m. (ET), Sunday, May 6, on the Discovery Channel. The live studio audience will meet at the Discovery Channel headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. Check out the special report on the Koppel program at the Discovery Channel website.

The main line of the 7-time Tour de France winner now appears to be his work with the Lance Armstrong Foundation. He makes frequent appearances to tell about his cancer experiences and push for the need more cancer research funding.

Armstrong participates in events like RAGBRAI — Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa — to raise awareness about making cancer research an issue in the 2008 presidential campaign.

Armstrong, Edwards and Sievers will begin the broadcast talking about how cancer affected their lives.

According to a press release:

“Armstrong speaks candidly and even credits cancer with contributing to the full, rich life that he leads today. Looking back on his 1996 diagnosis, Armstrong recalls the pain of watching his mother react to the heartbreaking news that her only child had a 50/50 chance of surviving cancer. He describes the grueling nature of the chemotherapy he received, and reflects on the competition that arose between him and his cancer, as well as his triumphant return to professional cycling.”

If you remember Koppel from ABC's Nightlight, you know he's a professional journalist with good reporting techniques. This should be a good show, and hopefully ones that raises the bar on cancer awareness.

The cycling team that Armstrong partly owns is sponsored by Discovery Channel. It would be interesting to know where the influence for this broadcast started.

Public service announcements about the cancer broadcast are available; there's also an interesting Cancer Collage where people can share their experiences through images, text, audio or video.

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