Another sponsor for 2007 Tour de Georgia

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Still scratching around for money, Tour de Georgia organizers announced Wednesday that AT&T has come forward with $500,000.

Tour de Georgia backers said a couple of weeks ago that “the race must go on” in spite of a $1 million shortfall and lack of a title sponsor. The Georgia state legislature then got into the action; first House approved $1 million infusion in the 2007 state budget, then the state Senate removed it.

While this year's 667-mile bicycle race from April 16-22 is a sure thing, the lack of title sponsor could hamper efforts to hold the race in 2008. Another stage race, Tour of Utah, was postponed for a year due to lack of a sponsor, and the inaugural Tour of Missouri is still looking for one.

Tour de Georgia should hold plenty of interest for racing fans, as it sets the stage for the return to pro cycling on US soil by Tyler Hamilton.

See more in the Macon Telegraph.

Update: April 6 — Good story at CyclingNews about some of the difficulties facing US pro cycling events, “State of race promoting in the US: Up or Down?”

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