Tale of the tape for March

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My quest for 4,000 miles in 2007 is not quite on track, but I'm closer to hitting the monthly mileage I need to accomplish that goal.

Once again 14 rides in March. The weather must be improving, as only 5 of those rides were in what I described as “occasional drizzle” to “constant rain.” I even mentioned “sun” three times in my log.

The longest ride was 41 miles. I picked my way through Renton to Tukwilla (about 10 miles from home) where I jumped onto the Green River Trail and headed south. The bronze statue — Slipstream (at left) — is located along the trail in the vicinity of Kent.

I also bicycled over to the Seattle Bike Expo this month, which — at 36 miles — turned out to be farther than I expected.

All this riding has done more than just make me feel better; I can see it on the stopwatch. I shaved 5 minutes off the usual 30 minutes it takes me to tackle a five-mile climb to a summit near my home this time of year.

The 310 miles last month was a little off pace, but not as bad as February's 195. I'm still nearly 300 miles off where I need to be at the end of March to hit 4,000 miles this year, but I can knock off some major chunks of that over the summer (I hope) and get back into the black. Then I just have to maintain through December.

Thanks for bearing with me through this.

Total: 310.4 miles
Needed for goal: 333.3 miles
Difference: Minus 22.9 miles

4,000 in 2007
Total : 711.7  miles
Needed so far for goal: 1,000 miles
Difference: Minus 288.3 miles

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/04/02/tale-of-the-tape-for-march/

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