2007 Seattle Bike Expo is this weekend

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(See also: Andreu says he's unsure about Landis case at Seattle bike expo)

The Group Health Seattle International Bicycle Expo returns to Magnuson Park this Saturday and Sunday with some 150 exhibitors and more good speakers than I can remember in recent years.

Rain is in the forecast this weekend, so heading on over to the old Hangar 27 Magnuson Park (directions) showsite won't be a bad idea. You can even ride your bike over there, as there's plenty of bike parking right outside. The show runs 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday.

Who's showing up their year? Speakers at the main stage this year include former pro cyclist and OLN commentator Frankie Andreu, bicycle touring authors Willie Weir and Joe (Metal Cowboy) Kurmaskie, and Bob Mionske, the lawyer who writes Legally Speaking for VeloNews.

Over at Adrenaline Alley, look for demonstrations by mountain bike trails rider Ryan Leech and stunt riders Go Huck Yourself. The coaches corner features tips for completing a one-day Seattle to Portland (STP) ride, as well as other on- and off-bike training regimens for cyclists and triathletes.

Check the days and times at the Seattle Bike Expo schedule.

What else is going on? Brett Horton will be on hand to display some items in his collection of bike memorabilia — the Horton Collection. Erden Eruc will talk about his Six Summits Project — his quest to climb the highest summits on six different continents by human power. Triathlete Sally Edwards will talk about how to take care of your heart. Also Northwest Vintage Lightweight Cycle Show on Saturday displays some of the finest bikes in the world from the last century.

As for exhibitors, the cliche “something for everyone” is appropriate. There will be booths for bicycle touring companies and upcoming bike rides, local bike retailers, local bicycle clubs, makers of bicycles and bicycle accessories, handmade and custom frame makers, nutrition, books, etc. See the Seattle Bike Expo exhibitor list for everyone.


Bill Thorness will release his new book “Biking Puget Sound: 50 Rides from Olympia to the San Juans.” He'll be on hand to explain how he chose these rides over the hundreds of others he's taken in recent years in Western Washington. He'll also tell how to take a San Juan Island biking vacation, where to ride with out-of-town guests, and what are the sights and sounds of country cycling.

Portland-based humorist Joe Kurmaskie, who has been described as the Mark Twain of bicycling, can be expected to talk about his latest adventure. Kurmaskie assembled a 14-foot caravan for himself and two young sons and embarked on a cross-country bicycle tour. He'll also talk about his new non-profit “Camp Creative: No Child Left Inside.”

Travel writer Willie Weir will talk about his bicycle tour through Thailand and Laos, two Southeast Asian countries that are a study in contrasts. His book, Spokesongs, is a collection of essays Weir wrote while out on the road and aired on NPR via his home in Seattle.


Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/03/08/2007-seattle-bike-expo-is-this-weekend/

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