Armstrong knocks French cyclists on comedy show

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Comedy show repeats on Thursday

Lance Armstrong appeared as a guest on The Colbert Report at Comedy Central Wednesday night, but didn't get many chances to get an answer out.

One zinger he did deliver came after host Stephen Colbert asked him: “What did it feel like to kick that much French butt?”

“I actually liked it,” Armstrong said, adding, “The honest truth is there aren't any good French riders.” Ouch.

Mainly Armstrong played straight man to Colbert's rapid fire questions, like:

“Do you still wear those little shorts with the padded crotch?” and “Isn't being retired from biking like being retired from recess?”

After talking about his NYC marathon run, Armstrong finally got down to the serious business he wanted to talk about: cancer.

Armstrong, a cancer survivor and founder of the Lance Armstrong Foundation, said he wants to keep cancer treatment in the spotlight, “It should be a priority for the country.

“We can cure people, if we get the best and proper care to the people who need it most.”

Back on the lighter side, Colbert asked why movie star friend and fellow Texan, Matthew McConaughey, looks fitter than Armstrong.

“I think he's doping,” Armstrong shot back.

The Wednesday night version of The Colbert Report will be shown throughout today and this evening on Comedy Central. Excerpts also are posted on Comedy Central website.

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